May 8, 20225 min read
Mother's Day, 2022 edition.
While celebrating Mother's Day, I want to acknowledge that it may not be a celebratory time, but instead, another day to survive loss.

Dec 24, 20216 min read
Reflections, Hopes and Wishes
Feeling unsettled as the second anniversary of the pandemic approaches, let's find comfort in what we know...

Sep 7, 20214 min read
Renew, reminisce, and heal
It's Back to School, 2.0, pandemic times, and I'm not ready. Here, I share a moment of reflection and a few things that keep me going.

May 8, 20218 min read
Another year, another Mother's Day
Reflections on my most recent year as a mom, including the good and the not-so-good.

Apr 15, 20217 min read
Has it really been a year?
A year ago, I wanted to find a way to connect with my family and friends during a time when traditional connections would be challenging...

Feb 14, 20213 min read
K.I.S.S. - Keeping it short and sweet
On this Valentine's Day, I'm keeping it short and sweet (or if you know it as the KISS principle, "Keep(ing) it simple, stupid"...)

Dec 24, 20206 min read
I blinked, and months went by.
Here we are, in the middle of a crazy bonkers holiday season, with lockdowns & restrictions rendering celebrations more "intimate" & muted..